Upon clicking on the "Numbers" tab, you will be able to view and update your Omni Hotline number(s). You can also click on the number you'd like to edit from your Dashboard homepage.

As a business, we understand how you'd like to only attend to enquiries during opening hours, so we have included that option for your convenience! If you are operating 24 hours, feel free to leave it to the default "Always".

1) Under call settings, select the destination that callers will automatically be forwarded to during opening hours. This would usually be a specific Virtual Receptionist so it can further branch out to different destinations according to the caller's digit input.

2) You can also change the connected phone number/ virtual receptionist that callers will automatically be connected to after opening hours period (if applicable). This would usually be a voicemail so you can attend to the caller at your nearest convenience.

3) The designated recipient and sender of texts to the Omni number.